Epic Counseling
"It's not what happens to you, but how you react
to it that matters." -Epictetus, Greek Philosopher
Tedd Taskey, MS, LMFT, ACS
Serving individuals, couples, and corporations
Corporate Group Training
Are you ready to move from good to great?

Big Title
Corporate Trainings Offered:
Decision Making
Learn and adopt a proven system for looking at all of your options when faced with difficult decisions
Effectively vet all possible options and outcomes of your decision
Gracefully change course when your original decision proved to be less than optimal
Develop strategies to handle dissent and disapproval for your decisions
Effective Communication Strategies (ECS)
Learn how to communicate in a concise, effective manner
Reduce stress when dealing with conflict
Practice effective listening skills that build integrity, trust and productivity
Develop trust and value in those with whom you communicate
Emotional Regulation (Anger Management)
Understand your emotions and the neural circuitry of the brain that produces emotions
Learn how to regulate yourself when your emotions are attempting to hijack your logic
Gain skills to remain calm under stressful situations
Effective Relationship Management
Appropriate boundary management
Stop agreeing to people’s requests that you cannot fit into your schedule
Learn how to repair relationships through ownership of your mistakes
Learn how to apologize without compromising your integrity
Accept apologies graciously without condoning unacceptable behavior